طالب جديد
دخول الطالب
Translation No 5
Full Name
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Mobile number
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Select the city
مرسى مطروح
كفر الشيخ
شمال سيناء
شرم الشيخ
جنوب سيناء
بني سويف
الوادي الجديد
العاشر من رمضان
السادس من اكتوبر
البحر الاحمر
the shortest
The Red Sea
the new Valley
Tenth of Ramadan
Sixth of October
Sharm El-Shaikh
Port Said
North Sinai
Marsa Matrouh
Kafr El-Sheikh
Bani Sweif
The city must be selected
choose the correct answer
Question No - 1
. مساعدة الآخرين سلوك إنساني واجتماعي مهم لتحقيق التوازن في المجتمع
Helping others is a very important human and sociable behavior to achieve imbalance in society.
Helping others behaviors social and human is important to achieve balance in society.
Helping others behaviors social and human is important to achieve imbalance in society.
Helping others is an important human and social behavior to achieve balance in society.
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Question No - 2
. كلما كنت واثقا بنفسك كلما أصبحت اكثر قدرة على العمل والانتاج وتحقيق المزيد من النجاح
The more confidence you are in yourself, the more capable you will be of working, producing, and achieving more success.
The more confident you have in yourself, the more capable you will be of working, producing, and achieving more success.
The most confident you are in yourself, the most capable you will be of working, producing, and achieving more success.
The more confident you are in yourself, the more capable you will be of working, producing, and achieving more success.
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Question No - 3
. الزلازل والبراكين و الاعاصير كلها ظواهر طبيعية تدمر كل منجزات الإنسان
Earthquakes, volcanoes, and hurricanes are all natural phenomenon that destroy all human achievements.
Earthquakes, volcanoes, and hurricanes are all natural phenomena that destroy all human achievements.
Earthquakes, volcanoes, and hurricanes are all normal phenomena that destroy all human achievements.
Earthquakes, volcanoes, and hurricanes are all natural phenomenon that destroy all humane achievements.
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Question No - 4
. القراءة هي الوسيلة الوحيدة التي تحيينا حياة الآخرين، وتعطينا خبراتهم
Reading is the only way which makes us live other's lives and give us their experience.
Reading is the only way who makes us live others' lives and give us their experience.
Reading is the only way which makes us live others' lives and gives us their experience.
Reading is the only way which makes us to live others' lives and give us their experience.
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Question No - 5
. يجب أن نرشد استهلاكنا من المياه والا سوف نواجه مشكلات خطيرة في المستقبل القريب
We have to nastionalise our consumption of water, or we will face serious problems in the near future.
We must rationalize our consumption of water, or we will face serious problems in the near future.
We should rationalize our consumption of water, or we will face series problems in the near future.
We have to rationalize our consumption of water, and we face dangerous problems in the near future.
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Question No - 6
. تحتاج بلادنا أن نكون جميعاً يداً واحدة تبني ولا تهدم، تعَّمر ولا تخَّرب
Our country needs us all to be one hand that builds and doesn't destroy, reconstructs and doesn't ruin.
Need homeland to be all one hand builds and doesn't destroy, reconstructs and doesn't ruin.
The homeland needs to be all one hand that builds and doesn't destroy, ruins and doesn't reconstruct.
The homeland needs us all one hand that builds and doesn't destroy, ruins and doesn't reconstruct.
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Question No - 7
. تدرك الدولة المصرية أن تطوير التعليم أصبح ضرورة حتمية لتحقيق التنمية المستدامة
The Egyptian statement realizes that developing education has become an imperative to achieve temporary development.
The Egyptian state realizes that developing education has become an imperative to achieve unsustainable development.
The Egyptian state realizes that developing education has become unnecessary to achieve sustainable development.
The Egyptian state realizes that developing education has become an imperative to achieve sustainable development.
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Question No - 8
. لن تجلب الحروب لعالمنا سوى مزيد من الدمار والكراهية، ولا يمكن تسوية النزاعات إلا بالحوار
Wars will only bring more destruction and hatred to our world, and conflicts can only be settled through dialogue.
Wars will only bring more reconstruction and hatred to our world, and conflicts can only be settled through dialogue.
Wars will only bring more destruction and hatred to our world, and conflicts can only be settled through tolerance.
Wars will only bring many destruction and hatred to our world, but conflicts can only be settled through dialogue.
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Question No - 9
. للمدرسة دور في ترسيخ مفهوم المواطنة في شخصية الطلاب مما ينعكس إيجابا على المجتمع
The school has a rule in establishing the concept of citizenship in students' personalities, which is reflected positively on society.
The school has a role in establishing the concept of citizenship in students' personalities, which is infected positively on society.
The school has a role in establishing the believe of citizenship in students' personalities, which is reflected positively on society.
The school has a role in establishing the concept of citizenship in students' personalities, which is reflected positively on society.
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Question No - 10
. يجب أن تتكاتف الدول العربية لمواجهة التحديات والأخطار التي تحيط بأمتنا العربية
Arab countries must unite to confront the challenges and dangers surrounding our Arab nation.
Arab countries must unit to confront the challenges and dangerous surrounding our Arab nation.
Arabic countries must unite to confront the challenges and dangers surrounding our Arab nation.
Arab countries ought unite to confront the challenges and dangers surrounding our Arab nation.
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